to ‘16 Colors’ or to ‘Black & White’. If this does not fix the problem then use the ‘Monitors’ control panel to switch your monitor Fast loading file B/W Fast loading file disabled game play Smoother disabled MegaDraw™ Click to start game, Return for instructions, H for High Scores Hold down Command key when first running Crystal Crazy to get to Preferences Scores marked with a • were obtained from saved games Do you wish to continue? ‘MegaDraw™’ cannot be used for this combination of game options and hardware settings. It’s time to quit, sorry. Make sure that the folder ‘Objectives’ is in the folder containing the game. I don’t seem to be able to find any objectives for this game, e.g. ‘Collect the Crystals’. Do you wish to revert to your original game settings? their original settings. The number of colors displayable on all monitors attached to your Mac have been reverted to Do you wish to switch the monitors? This may not look very pleasant! monitor is not switched back then ‘MegaDraw™’ can no longer be used. The number of colors displayable on a monitor attached to your Mac has been altered, if the Check that at least one of the support files ‘Color Graphics’ or ‘B/W Graphics’ is present. Sorry but ‘Crystal Crazy’ is not able to start up at the moment. The essential support file ‘B/W Graphics’ could not be found. Neither of the essential support files ‘Color Graphics’ and ‘B/W Graphics’ could be found. A terminal error has occured. In space no one can hear you moo. . . AWOL Bonus Wave Tally Table Save game state as: